Program Za Crtanje Kuhinja 3d Free Download

Program Za Crtanje Kuhinja 3d Free Download

Program Za Crtanje Kuhinja 3d Free Download

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Program Za Crtanje Kuhinja 3d Free Download Windows 10

Edition (2020)
Edition (2019)
Full .DWG support (R12,R13,R14,R2000,R2004,R2007,R2010,R2013,R2018)
• Draw 2D/3D Line, Point, Polyline, Spline, Arc, Circle, Ellipse, Rectangle, Hatch
• Standard CAD file formats support: DWG (native), DXF, SHP (Esri shape AddOn)
• Make/Insert blocks, choose from number of linetypes, lineweights, hatch patterns
• Draft with precision using Object Snap (near,endpoint,midpoint,perpendicular,parallel), Object tracking
• Modify tools: move, rotate, scale, mirror, offset, trim, extend, array, join, break, fillet, chamfer...
• Insert dimmensions (linear, aligned, radius, diameter, angular), fractional dimensions, smart placing
• Insert and save images (tif, jpeg, bmp, gif), georeferenced images (tif/tfw,jpg/jgw)
• Plot with high quality, use layouts, multiple vieports, model/paper space...
LISP scripts (.lsp)
• User SCRIPTs (.scr)
3D Solid Modeling
• Develop and load .NET modules (C#,VB,Java). Code your own commands/functions/modules.
Life-time license, free updates in first year
• Free upgrade of new versions (2020, 2021...) for life on the Edition you bought
• Help & Support 24/7 by e-mail
Single User License (life-time)$69.90$299.90

5 Licenses Package$239.90