Counter Strike 1.6 Logo Creator

Download CS 1.6 Spray Creator

Call them spray logos, spray decals or spray tags., Making them is fairly simple and you don't even need to be a graphic artist to make one, just about any image can be turned into a spray logo or you can create your own image and convert it into a logo. We assume you already have an image you want to convert into a spray.

Decal Restrictions

CreatorIn Counter-Strike 1.6 you can have a spray decal up to 256 pixels wide and 256 pixels high, Below is a chart to illustrate the dimensions allowed.

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Counter-Strike spray dimensions (not source)

Counter strike 1.6 logo creator software

The shaded green means the image size is supported. Keep in mind these dimensions are for Counter-Strike and not CS Source. The best way to avoid problems with image dimensions is to resize the image to around 96x96 pixels. The image doesn't necessarily have to be square as long as you keep the dimensions within the green shades as illustrated in the image above.
I wouldn't worry too much about dimensions, as in this guide we'll be using some tools that will resize and adjust the image ratios automatically. So for now, ignore the dimensions above.. for obvious reasons don't start with a huge image. Keep it small to around 400 pixels or below.
On the next page we'll show you how to create a spray logo for CS 1.6.

Counter Strike 1.6 Logo Creator Online


CS 1.6 Spray decals
You're going to need a program to create the spray decal (wad file), there are serveral programs to convert an image to a decal. In this guide we're going to use Decal Converter which you can download from our download section here. We recommend you use Decal Coverter because it is simple to use. So go ahead and download it.
Once you've downloaded Decal Converter, extract it to your desktop or somewhere you can easily access the progam. Once you've extracted the zip archive you'll see serveral files, We'll only need to use DecalConverter.exe, so go ahead and double click it.
We are going to start with the image below.

Image we're going to convert

With Decal Converter open, click File on the top left corner and select open. Browse and open the image you want to convert, Below is what it looks like so far.
Our image loaded in Decal Converter

Now we want to make the spray transparent (remove the gray around the terrorist). Under Transparent Color you should see the box is automatically colored gray. Click replace then select Max for both Width and Height, The image should now have a blue background.
Making image transparent

Now we we're ready to convert the image to a decal, Click Decal on the top of the window and select Make Decal. For easy accessibility, click Add then select your desktop. This makes it easier for you to find the converted decals.

Counter Strike 1.6 Logo Maker

Saving spray decal

After you select the OK button you should end up with a file called pldecal.wad - this is your spray decal. Browse you your cstrike directory, usually:
C:Program FilesValvecstrike
Since Steam's release the file is no longer called pldecal, so we must rename it to tempdecal. Go ahead and rename the file to tempdecal, after you've renamed it, drag the file to your cstrike directory. So we don't accidently overwrite the spray while in the cs options menu we make the file Read-Only - to do this right click tempdecal and select properties then select the Read-only checkbox and click OK. Should see something like this.

Counter Strike 1.6 Logo Creator

Making decal Read-Only

Notice we're showing you the spray with and without transparency. It's up to you whether to use transparencies or not. Pretty simple right?

Download CS 1.6 Spray Creator